Two episodes in a row? What’s going on??! There’s some good news! Felix is getting back in the game, so we’ll hopefully be able to get back to our regular schedule again, soon!

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6 Responses to “Chapter 63 // Episode 28”

  1. Lukas says:

    Welcome back in the Game, Felix, yeeeehhaaaa!!! :))

  2. Lukas says:

    I’d also like to mention that Bison & The Boar Boys Season #2 hit its spectacular Episode #100 this Week! Everything running steady like a fart in the zoo! 😉

  3. Kapam says:

    And it’s an EPIC 100th Episode! Thanks for reminding us, and being the driving force behind it, Lukas!

    If you haven’t read the 99 before that, you better get on it! It’s a WIND-BLOWING, fantastic second season!!

  4. MC JB says:

    I was so prepared to leave a snide comment, like “I guess we’ll wait for another month…”. But you’re always good for surprises.

  5. MC JB says:

    What could Sneaky be referring to? The Lawmaker mentioned how Sneaky is very persuasive, so maybe we’ll get to see another speech broadcast over the teevee?

  6. MC JB says:

    Letting the lawmaker live seems incredibly dangerous. I hope they at least gag him properly!

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