Tags: Harper, Miranda | » All tags
Still, not enough coffee.
“Who are you and what have you done with the real Harper?”
“Begone Evil Alien Bodysnatcher leave this body alone”^^
Not enough coffee, not enough Jawsmithery, but at least a lot of Tonguesmithery^^
btw is there any chance of seeing my Great Guildleader in the near future?
What is the female equivalent to samenstau? Unfinished sympathy? GIVE THIS LADY THE GODDAMN ORGASM SHE DESERVES!
Der Lukas agrees. Common propriety demands it!
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Still, not enough coffee.
“Who are you and what have you done with the real Harper?”
“Begone Evil Alien Bodysnatcher leave this body alone”^^
Not enough coffee, not enough Jawsmithery, but at least a lot of Tonguesmithery^^
btw is there any chance of seeing my Great Guildleader in the near future?
What is the female equivalent to samenstau? Unfinished sympathy? GIVE THIS LADY THE GODDAMN ORGASM SHE DESERVES!
Der Lukas agrees. Common propriety demands it!